Friday, August 5, 2011

Fender Bandmaster Modern Vintage 212

Just picked up a used Fender Bandmaster Modern Vintage 212, replaced the silver grill with a wheat-colored one, and have designs to replace at least one of the stock speakers with a Celestion G12H30 or a Vintage 30. It looks as sweet as it sounds! 

Replacing the grill was actually easier than I thought that it was going to be- the hardest part was having the patience to remove all 50,000 damn staples that held the fabric to the frame- patience and skin on one's knuckles. Once I got it off, I merely cut the new fabric in exactly the pattern of the old, and re-stapled to the frame. Personally, I think this looks far better than the original. 

On another cool note, I'll be instructing a course at The College of Saint Rose in the upcoming spring semester. Very excited about the new challenge and the chance to work with older, um, 'teachable' students!


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