New Pedalboard Layout
I heavily modified my pedalboard layout this past weekend, with some cool new stuff. From left to right: MXR Carbon Copy, Fulltone OCD, TC Helicon Harmony-G, channel selectors, Digitech EX-7 Expression Factory, Carl Martin PlexiTone, Whirlwind Orange Phaser, Keeley Modified TS9 Tube Screamer, MXR Dyna Comp, Mod Tone Funk Filter Enveloper, and a TC Electronic Polytune.
I scored the Whirlwind Orange after sorting through a bunch of phasers- none of them had that vintage vibe to them like the old script-logo MXR Phase 90, but the Phase 90 has no 9V power supply, which is a must for my rig. So, after A/Bing an old script logo Phase 90 and the Orange, I really couldn't hear the difference. Both are silky smooth and are nearly identical in every way- save for the Orange's 9V supply, which was the deal-breaker for me. Pick one up if you have the chance; they're fantastic.
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